Debt management: Repay debt without hurting your credit (A+ on BBB)
A non profit debt management program helps you repay your outstanding balances at low cost .
Help! I'm Drowning in Debt - SmartMoney.com
Jul 11, 2010 . Here's how to get back on track and out of debt. . Before you pay an outside counselor for help, however, you should be sure that you've tried .
Family Credit Management
Family Credit Management is a non-profit credit counseling agency with plenty of financial help for you–lots of it free. Whether you need help managing debt, .
Debt Management Program
Evaluate your financial situation; Assist you in creating a budget to help manage your finances and debt. And work with creditors for a possible reduction in: .
The Truth About Debt Management - daveramsey.com
Oct 25, 2004 . Debt management companies are springing up everywhere. These companies help "manage" your debt by taking one monthly payment from .
Mortgage Specifics
Knee Deep in Debt
Feb 9, 2011 . Reputable credit counseling organizations can advise you on managing your money and debts, help you develop a budget, and offer free .
Debt Relief with Debt Management | Consolidated Credit
Learn debt management skills that can help you stay in control of your debt and find debt management solutions if you're struggling with too much debt.
E-LOAN Debt Consolidation | Debt Management, Help & Relief ...
Can debt consolidation help you reduce your debt? Find out how debt management can help you consolidate your credit cards or loans. Learn how debt .
Financial Burden
Money Management International Consumer Credit Counseling ...
Money Management International (MMI) is a nonprofit, full-service credit- counseling . counseling and debt management assistance to consumers since 1958. . MMI offers a wide variety of financial services to help improve your financial life.
Photo Credits
Debt Help
Mar 4, 2012 . Know your debt help options. Build a budget and commit yourself to attacking your debt, and if you cannot self-manage then get debt help fast.